Monday 14 June 2010

New postings

The website has been set up, and I am making this posting via email to


To make postings

  1. Simply email to with the Subject as the title of the post.
  2. Write your content and include any formatting you require. This will also be carried forwards into the post.
  3. Make comments as required, and please email if you wish to be subscribed or unsubscribed from the blog or have comments, issues or require further help.
  4. I have built the website anonymously, so your details will only be published if you include your Name in the main text of the email. Please be aware that if you wish your name to be published, you should include this in the main text.


Please keep all comments clean, and productive. Lets discuss openly and honestly, and if you are unsure as to what you should and should not post, then err on the side of caution. Other users will be able to provide comments and support regarding legal issues, and with regards to intellectual property.


I myself will be posting some information that I have to hand regarding protection of IP, and guidance on repairing any damaged IP situations. I will also elaborate my own personal story, and some of the harsh realities of innovation in the UK.


John B






1 comment:

  1. A word of warning to all potential inventors, if you are approached by a mr james coulson of inventive24, please research before parting with any cash !!you have been warned
